Elected Board

President - Katie Aring



Blurb about Katie Aring and her family coming soon!

Vice President - Katie Hamilton



Katie Hamilton has been in the

Teller Community since 2017 when her oldest started Kindergarten. She’s helped out in various ways and is now excited to have a little more time with all 3 kids in school to give back to the community that has enriched her family’s life in the best of ways.



Secretary - Lauren Fine


Get to know Lauren Fine and her family - coming soon!

Treasurer & Admin - Jen Swartwout


Hi Teller community! Our daughter Sabine stated at Teller in ECE and is now in 2nd grade. We are so grateful for the wonderful staff and community at Teller, looking forward to helping our school continue to grow and thrive!


Committee Chairs

Fundraising - Emily Musser


When my husband called me after his tour of Teller (our 7th school and on the day that choice forms were due) and told me that Teller was the school we should pick, I had no idea how fortunate we would be. Our oldest Abby is now a proud Teller alum, and our youngest (Maddie in 3rd grade) is thriving. I decided to dip my toe back in the fundraising water five years ago and have been hooked ever since. The Teller community is so very special, and I feel truly blessed to serve in this way. Leading a passionate group of volunteers who work tirelessly to raise funds to support Teller is truly a great joy. 



Fundraising Elect - Tess Salalac


Coming soon!



School Supplies - Kristin Mearini

Coming soon!



Dine Out Nights - Sarah Kaluzshner

Coming Soon!



Corporate Sponsorships - Alise Strawn


Coming soon!

Staff Appreciation - Cori Stahl


My name is Cori and I have two Teller Tigers (Dylan - 5th grade and Hunter - 3rd grade). We've been at Teller for six years since our daughter Dylan was in ECE with Ms. Gras! After volunteering for several years as a room parent, I started volunteering as the Staff Appreciation Committee Chair. 



External Communications - Jenna Schnepel


I’m Jenna, the Communications chair at Teller, and I am excited to be more involved in the Teller community. All three girls will attend Teller this year



Community Engagement - Kristin Ferguson

Coming soon!