Executive Board

President - Harmony Johnson

Hi! I’m Harmony. I have 1 daughter at Teller: Imogen (4th) as well as a recent Teller graduate in 6th grade at GALS. I decided to get involved with the PTA after realizing how much the staff give to our kids, day in and day out. I wanted to find a way to give back with my actions, and the PTA is it! I’ve found that despite being busy with work and family life, having a leadership role on the PTA is still manageable because of the incredible team approach and commitment of the other volunteers. president@tellerpta.org

Vice President - Alise Strawn

Alise is a mom of three kids, two current Teller Tigers (Stella- 4th grade; Ada-1st grade) and one future Tiger (Maki- 2.5 years old). She got involved in the PTA when Stella was in ECE, to meet other parents and to hear and help support all things Teller. Alise has been a teacher for 16 years and this year is her first year at Teller! It has been great to be a staff member, PTA board member and parent of students at Teller. vicepresident@tellerpta.org


 Secretary - Katie Hamilton

Katie has been in the Teller Community since 2017 when her oldest started Kindergarten.  She’s helped out in various ways and is now excited to have a little more time with all 3 kids in school to give back to the community that has enriched her family’s life in the best of ways.  secretary@tellerpta.org

Treasurer - Jordan Thomas 

I'm Jordan, the Treasurer for the Teller PTA.  I have been overjoyed with my experience and my kid's experience here at Teller and joined the PTA to say "I'm all in!" treasurer@tellerpta.org



 Committee Chairs

FundraisingEmily Musser

When my husband called me after his tour of Teller (our 7th school and on the day that choice forms were due) and told me that Teller was the school we should pick, I had no idea how fortunate we would be. Our oldest Abby is now a proud Teller alum, and our youngest (Maddie in 3rd grade) is thriving. I decided to dip my toe back in the fundraising water five years ago and have been hooked ever since. The Teller community is so very special, and I feel truly blessed to serve in this way. Leading a passionate group of volunteers who work tirelessly to raise funds to support Teller is truly a great joy. fundraising@tellerpta.org

Membership + Volunteering - Amanda Florence

Amanda is the parent of a 5th grader and a 2nd grader, as well as a 7th grader at McAulliffe where she is also a PTA Board Member. She and her husband Zach own their own real estate firm and are very involved in the Congress Park community. Amanda is excited to get more involved with the PTA to support our amazing school! membership@tellerpta.org


Sustainability - Jason Smartt

My name is Jason Smartt and I am the Vice Principal at Teller. I love to provide students skills to manage their emotions, and their friendships- while ensuring that every student is seen, heard, and celebrated. I love my dog Cassius and our love for the great outdoors. I enjoy art, social justice, and live music. Being part of the Teller Community makes me incredibly happy!

Communications - Open

Room Parent + Teacher Appreciation - Cori Stahl

My name is Cori and I have two Teller Tigers (Dylan - 5th grade and Hunter - 3rd grade). We've been at Teller for six years since our daughter Dylan was in ECE with Ms. Gras! After volunteering for several years as a room parent, I joined the board as Room Parent Coordinator and Teacher Appreciation. roomparents@tellerpta.org

Staff Grants - Megan Zeiger

Hello!  My name is Megan Zeiger. I have a 4th grader at Teller and my family is so thankful to be a part of the Teller community.  I LOVE helping the PTA administer the Grants Program - there is nothing better than showing our Teachers and Staff how much we value and appreciate them!

Admin + Tech -Trevor Price

Hi, I'm Trevor. My wife and I have been parents of Teller Tigers since 2012 and very proud to be part of the Teller community. We currently have 2nd and 4th graders in Teller. Watching the school grow for the past 10 years has encouraged both of us to support our school and community whenever we can. admin@tellerpta.org

Equity, Diversity + Inclusion - Shellie Chambers

My name is Shellie Chambers and I am the co-chair of this committee with Jason Smartt. My daughter, Rory, is in 6th grade and we absolutely LOVE Teller. I believe in the mission and values at Teller and I am so grateful that this has been my daughter's elementary school for the past six years. My reason for volunteering is simple. . . this is a special place and I want to continue to be a part of it.